Nutrition therapist Jaanika Tapver recommends eating healthy

Nutrition therapist Jaanika Tapver recommends eating healthy!

Studies have shown that people who regularly eat nuts and seeds live longer, as the beneficial nutrients in nuts and seeds help prevent many chronic diseases and fight inflammation. They also support skin health.

Nuts, almonds and seeds are a good source of vegetable protein, fats, fiber, magnesium, zinc, manganese and many B vitamins. They also contain a variety of micronutrients and antioxidants. For example, poppy seeds, almonds and chia seeds are a good source of calcium for those who do not consume dairy products.

Walnuts, hemp and chia seeds contain the omega-3 fatty acids needed by the body. In addition, hemp and chia seeds are good sources of plant iron.

Almonds are rich in vitamin E and Brazil nuts are high in selenium. The latter should not be exaggerated, the daily portion is 1-2 nuts.

Almonds and nuts should be eaten 20-30g daily. In this case, there is no need to overeat, because the body receives all the necessary nutrients on a regular basis.

Tip on how not to overeat nuts and almonds. Weigh out a 20g portion and soak them in water overnight. First, it makes them easier to digest. Secondly, it helps to control the amount you eat - when the soaked nuts are out, you just don't get any more.

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Nutrition therapist Jaanika Tapver recommends eating healthy Bio Life - Soodsad tervisetooted